Privacy and PIPEDA for Directors

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This course costs $80 + HST. Your company will be invoiced after you enroll (at the end of the month). You will only be charged once, even if you review the course multiple times. You will have access to the course for one year after enrolling.

This course will provide a high-level view of privacy and PIPEDA for Directors. This course is for Directors.

This course contains a high-level view of:

  • The duties of a Director and their implications on privacy
  • The PIPEDA legislation
  • The definition of personal information
  • The role of the OPC
  • The 10 Principles of PIPEDA
  • Mandatory breach reporting
  • The need-to-know principle
  • Cybersecurity
  • Risk management as it relates to privacy
  • The consequences of non-compliance

The course contains written material, videos, and quizzes. While the quizzes are not graded, they are a valuable way to check your understanding. You will need approximately 45 to 60 minutes to complete the entire course. You do not need to complete the course in one sitting. You can leave the course and return to it at any time. Your progress will be saved. You must finish all sections to get your certificate of completion.

How to enroll in this course

If you don’t see the course content below, you are not enrolled in this course. First, ensure you are logged in. Then, click ‘Launch’ to enroll.

How to begin the course

After enrollment you will see a list of course topics below. Click on the first one to begin.